Top 10 sources for general holacracy info

Holacracy is gaining attention rapidly throughout the Netherlands as well as worldwide. Increasingly, (parts of) organizations are using Holacracy as a management tool. There are also many interesting articles, books, and movies on the subject.


  1. This animation film (1:47) is short but powerful.
  2. Why Holacracy? (5:13) answers the basic Why-question. Because it is Purpose Driven, Responsive and Transparent.
  3. This white paper (7 pagina’s, in het Engels, mét plaatjes) is a good introductory article.
  4. This article from Emerce is one of the better Dutch articles about Holacracy.
  5. In this film (2:36) Jasper Rienstra discusses the power of Holacracy.


  1. Brian Robertson wrote a very remarkable and practical book, hardly surprisingly titled ‘Holacracy’ . Highly recommended – even if you don’t intend to implement Holacracy immediately. And the Dutch translation is excellent.
  2. In this TEDx video (18:20) Brian Robertson explains what Holacracy is all about.
  3. The book ‘Reinventing Organizations’ . Reinventing Organizations by Frederic Laloux made the world sit up and take notice last year, and has shown that many people and organizations have been tracking down Holacracy. Inspirationally and clearly, Laloux shows that ‘enlightened’ organizations are all about purpose, wholeness, and self-management. Holacracy is mentioned as an example of how you can shape your company in concrete terms. The Dutch translation is also fine.
  4. In this attractive Dutch-language book Green On, parallels are drawn between Special Forces and Holacracy-based organizations, full of real-life examples.
  5. Two great podcasts on Holacracy and self-managing organizations: part one (58:36) and part two(46:21).

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