About us

We make teams and organizations stronger, more cohesive and more creative.

Our Synnervate team consists of seven Changemakers: Ard, Marinet, Jasper, Edwin, Marcel, Allard and Rob. We share the ambition to contribute structurally to the transitions needed for a just and sustainable world. Our source of inspiration are the Sustainable Development Goals developed by the United Nations. We have found that awareness development is an important condition to get one or two steps closer to the realization of those goals. At this point, it is not only about new and better solutions, but also about a more inclusive and integral way of thinking and acting.

Our work in organizations and teams often causes a focus shift: a move from yourself towards the whole you are part of. This gives the possibility for people to feel free to contribute to the whole without sacrificing their own identity. This individuality is precisely what is needed to shape transitions.

While we are not experts in societal issues ourselves, our clients certainly are. By working with them on consciousness and organizational development, we are currently contributing to 9 of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Ard Hordijk

Ard Hordijk specializes in evaluation and strategy development. He brings organizations together to jointly develop sustainable strategies. Based on a thorough analysis, Ard offers reflection to leaders working in a multi-stakeholder environment.
Ard is an econometrician and has worked in the past at Nyenrode Business University, Twynstra Gudde and Environmental Resources Management. His experience spans societal transitions, multi- stakeholder collaboration and sustainability. Ard is a partner at Synnervate.

Jasper Rienstra

With tireless optimism, Jasper knows how to make unity consciousness accessible and applicable to everyone. Practical experience has taught him that Spiral Dynamics Integral and Holacracy® are the best ways to achieve that. Jasper has a wealth of experience in guiding complex change. At Synnervate, Jasper is a partner and fulfills the role of Lead Link. He conducts various SDi trainings and, as a Certified Holacracy® Coach, helps organizations adopt this complete method of self-organization.

Marinet Ritz

Marinet Ritz has been intensively engaged in personal and collective transformation processes for the past 20 years. Her passion is facilitating breakthroughs in organizations where the old development coordinates no longer work. Under her guidance, strong teams that can handle complex challenges develop from powerful and conscious leadership. In this, her expertise is to make translations from an integral systemic view, to more ‘down to earth’ solutions.
Marinet is founder of the Integral Coaching Training, trainer Spiral Dynamics integral and partner at Synnervate.

Marcel van Wijk

Through his wealth of experience, Marcel van Wijk knows how to get the best out of organizations, teams and people. In complex, often socially-related, issues with many different stakeholders, he ensures openness and pragmatic action.
Marcel is an independent organizational consultant and previously worked as a program manager at UMCG and Centrum Veilig Wonen, among other organizations. Recently he completed the training Integral Coaching. Determined to turn this knowledge into more compassion, wisdom and awareness in our actions, Marcel joined Synnervate as a partner in 2019.

Allard de Ranitz

Allard de Ranitz is a human-developer, creator of structures, and sculptor. He supports people and organizations in change and frequently applies Spiral Dynamics Integral or forms of integral guidance and change management. His ability to make connections in complex situations and approach change integrally unfolds new perspectives. His hands-on practical ability translates this into daily work and relationships that lead to results.
Allard’s experience includes more than 25 years of guiding change and implementing projects and programs. Clients praise his practical, driven approach and grounded results. Allard is a partner at Synnervate and performs his work as an artist under ConsciousCreations.

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