Transition coaching

Transition coaching helps organizations involved in societal transitions choose a clear, active role. We clarify the status of the transition in question, as well as the current position of the organisation. We then offer support in defining, shaping and realizing desired roles, and in directing necessary changes, sometimes as an advisor, but often as an interim manager. We always start from an integral approach, which means, amongst other things, that we simultaneously work on the structure and culture of organizations. Sustainable development requires attention at all levels (individual, team, organization).

Active role

Transition coaching is effective for organisations that want to discover which role suits them and also for those organizations that want to reorient themselves. The coaching can take the form of temporary programs or change processes. Increasingly, we participate in a structural collaboration in which we jointly realize a concrete contribution to one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.

Transition coaching offers you:

  • Understanding the course of societal transitions and the power of organizations.
  • Support in choosing an active role in the transition you are involved in.
  • A clear implementation plan.
  • Interim support and direction.

Transition Dynamics

Exactly how transitions occur cannot be predicted. However, there are recurring elements that provide guidance. We make use of Transition Dynamics (in Dutch); a kind of roadmap for transition. This helps to develop a shared understanding of the status of the transition and the current role of the organization. Where is the dissonance in the organization (the shared discomfort)? What intentions are alive? What are interrelationships like? Where is the vitality and potential in the transition? What is needed now? Based on this information, it is easier to make a choice about the desired role.


Are you working on a social transition and interested in support? Contact Ard Hordijk at, or leave your details on this page.

the organization

Develop the organization, and start with autonomy

More and more organizations are looking for other ways to manage and organize, rather than a traditional management hierarchy. Self-organization is one of the possible alternatives. Starting from each individual’s autonomy sounds attractive, but does it work in practice? How suitable is Holacracy for us? Can we also start on a small scale and see if we like it? And what is our next step if we want to continue working with the existing decision structure?

Full potential

We guide change processes in organizations, using Holacracy, Spiral Dynamics and True Purpose coaching. We see organizational development as the process in which the goal is to make the full potential available. That process takes place in a dynamic between three levels (personal-team- organization as a whole). We make organizations and the people who work there more ‘awake’, so to speak, by bringing them into contact with their desires and inner vitality.
Examples of our work in organizational development include. NRG Circles, Your Environment and the HBB Group.

Three pillars

We feel an affinity with the work of Laloux, who identifies self-organization, wholeness, and purpose as three pillars for organizational development. Self-organization is the realization that working from a certain autonomy, with clear responsibilities and explicit boundaries, often does more justice to everyone’s mature contribution than a hierarchical structure with managers.
Wholeness refers to the realization that everyone is equal and can contribute to organizational goals in their own particular way, and that all those contributions matter, including the deeper underlying motivations of the emotional person behind the rational professional. Purpose is about the essence of an organization and encompasses more than an understood mission and vision. Living and working from the purpose of an organization gives energy, meaning and inspiration to employees and customers as well as a clear position in society. Within these three areas we are licensed and certified: as certified Holacracy® coaches, we guide Holacracy adoptions (self-organization), we provide Spiral Dynamics® training at all levels, including certification (wholeness). Our True Purpose® coaching focuses on both individuals and organizations (purpose).

Personal Purpose Quest

What is your essence? And how do you express that in your life? Are you a change maker? The Personal Purpose Quest (PPQ) is intended for professionals who want to live and work from their core.

Leadership & Communication – in-company training

Driven leadership and open communication The Leadership & Communication training brings you: Greater self-organization of teams and organizations. Improved interconnection and communication (internal & external). A culture in which everyone takes responsibility for his or her role. The skill of “looking without value judgment”. A system through which employees monitor and process their own learning…

Adopting Holacracy

Are you thinking of adopting Holacracy or another form of self-organization? We can lead that change process in the right direction. Some organizations promote the immediate replacement of the existing management model in its entirety, while others prefer to work modularly. Working with Holacracy requires distancing yourself from old habits, implicit agreements, and implicit expectations.…

Holacracy Taster

Want to get a taste of Holacracy? During the Holacracy® Taster you can experience for yourself whether this method of working suits you and/or your organization. During the Holacracy Taster you will experience, in a half-day session, whether this way of working suits you and/or your organization. Trying it out and practising it yourself will…


As Changemakers, we want to work toward a more just, sustainable and resilient society. We take inspiration from the 17 Sustainable Development Goals drawn up by the United Nations. These goals apply to all countries and describe global ambitions in the areas of healthcare, security, education, poverty and the environment.
While we ourselves are not experts in certain societal issues, our clients definitely are. By working with them on awareness development, we are currently jointly contributing to 9 Sustainable Development Goals.

Marcel van Wijk

Through his wealth of experience, Marcel van Wijk knows how to get the best out of organizations, teams and people. In complex, often socially-related, issues with many different stakeholders, he ensures openness and pragmatic action.
Marcel is an independent organizational consultant and previously worked as a program manager at UMCG and Centrum Veilig Wonen, among other organizations. Recently he completed the training Integral Coaching. Determined to turn this knowledge into more compassion, wisdom and awareness in our actions, Marcel joined Synnervate as a partner in 2019.

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