Holacracy Taster

Want to get a taste of Holacracy? During the Holacracy® Taster you can experience for yourself whether this method of working suits you and/or your organization.
During the Holacracy Taster you will experience, in a half-day session, whether this way of working suits you and/or your organization. Trying it out and practising it yourself will give you a lot of valuable information, because Holacracy changes the way decisions are taken. Power and responsibility are distributed among all employees.


In a half-day session:

  • Find out if Holacracy fits your organization.
  • Experience how Holacracy works and what effect it may have on you and your colleagues.
  • Discover how self-organization changes the way decisions are made.


  1. Introduction to Holacracy®.
  2. A tactical meeting simulation: process operational problems quickly and reliably, with clear next steps.
  3. Participate in a simulation of a overnance meeting: evolve the structure of the organization in such a way that the work is better aligned with the mission (purpose).
  4. Simulation debrief discussion and Q&A to learn from the simulations.
  5. Opportunity to meet other participants and exchange experiences over a light meal.


Would you like to follow a Holacracy Taster or organize one in-company? Please contact Jasper Rienstra at jasper@synnervate.nl or leave your details on this page.
For whom? Everybody who is interested in experiencing and learning more about Holacracy in a short time. Study load: Outside contact hours, none.

Start now

You’ll get the most out of the workshop if you investigate Holacracy® beforehand. We recommend that you read these blogs:
Top 10 resources on Holacracy®

“The Holacracy Taster is very valuable as a short ‘taster’, containing a nice mix of knowledge and experience. That made it a fascinating and lively whole! I really liked the simulation of atactical meeting, because it gave me a taste of what it means to think and work together based on roles.”

- Henk Lodewijk, Editor of the journal for Zijsorientatie De Cirkel

“Perfect teaser and introduction to Holacracy under knowledgeable guidance. Hungry for more!”

- Bas Zwart, De Droomfabriek partner

“Speeddate with Holacracy. With the energy of a Ferrari, you race through the subjects. Very challenging and inspiring!”

- Sandra van de Pol, owner DYOS Connect People and Organisation Development

Adopting Holacracy

Are you thinking of adopting Holacracy or another form of self-organization? We can lead that change process in the right direction. Some organizations promote the immediate replacement of the existing management model in its entirety, while others prefer to work modularly.

Working with Holacracy requires distancing yourself from old habits, implicit agreements, and implicit expectations. At the same time, it brings energy and freedom. Everyone is ‘the boss’ of his or her own role; however, this applies only to their own work, and not to other people. This newly acquired freedom comes with specific, explicit rules.

We guide the adoption and implementation process of Holacracy in the right direction. Some organizations choose to immediately replace the existing management model in its entirety, whereas others prefer to work modularly. For example, they first adopt only the efficient meeting structures or they get a taste of what it’s like to redesign functions and turn them into roles with purpose and accountabilities.

Tension = fuel

Holacracy® is a set of rules for the governing, decision-making and structuring of organizations. Typical features are role-based operations, efficiency in tactical and governance meetings, and equal authority. A daily constant for organizations working with Holacracy is the sensing and processing of tensions: a problem, difference of opinion or opportunity is seen as a tension, and these can serve as fuel in the development of an organization.


Are you thinking about working with Holacracy or another form of self-organization? Please contact Jasper Rienstra (jasper@synnervate.nl) or leave your details on this page. Would you first like to get a better idea of what Holacracy is? Then request an in-company Holacracy Taster.

Start now

Much has been written about Holacracy; you can find our collection of resources here.

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